Why do you photograph?

“I think people get into photography for a million reasons. Some people want it because they think they will get rich. Some people do it because they want to travel. Some people do it because they want a ringside seat at the world’s events. Some people do because they think they will be famous and become celebrities. Some people do because they want to meet girls. Some people do because they want to meet boys. There is like a million reason to become a photographer. The biggest thing that can happen is a disappointment if you have those kinds of expectations; photography can let you down! If your only expectation is the satisfaction of making a picture, it will never let you down because every time you take a picture, you get that juice from it. That is independent of having it make you rich, having it making you famous..”. (Greg Heisler)

I totally agree with Greg Heisler. That doesn’t mean I believe it is easy. In the world of likes, it is a constant struggle to stay focused on the satisfaction of making a picture and forgetting about the number of hearts my photo received. It took me a long time to just put a photo that I like out there and be at peace with whatever outcome it will have. I stopped asking for other people’s opinions. I stopped looking for other people’s approval. I just want to photograph and show the world that photo. So what motivates me is the wish someone feels something with my photo. As long as they feel something when they look at it, I will be happy. If they will like it or not, that is irrelevant, because I know some people will, others won’t, that is life.